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Friday, November 29, 2013

Free Download: Savant - Ascent

Being an our all-time favourite, here at We Made Them Free, we were just waiting a day close to its Steam release to unveil our free download of Savant Ascent. Needless to say that the moment has finally come, and since it was anyway available for quite a long time on its site, we haven't really done anything more shady than what we are used to!

It's a tribute game to the growing DJ star Savant, if you didn't know that already, it features a soundtrack completely produced by himself, and you're going to end up by loving it if you're into slightly retro-looking games. An arcade action platformer done right I would say, where despite having no clues about the story that stands behind the whole experience, we've already spent countless hours simply trying to beat each other's highscore.

Dodge, shoot and collect pieces of CDs that will unlock upgrades as well as new songs to listen while playing. Savant Ascent is a wonderful tricky adventure easy to play, but completely hard to master. Unfortunately, we understand that paying for such a rather short game might not be ideal to everyone, so, consider our free download like a late Thanksgiving gift if you prefer!

Now get your eyes off these words and proceed with the super lightweight free download that we provide. Have lots of fun with this one!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Free Download: Signal Ops

Here we have an uncommon release, and it's certainly not because the game chosen isn't wonderful as always, but mostly because Signal Ops has been originally released a lot of time ago. However, since it finally hit Steam less than a week ago, we thought that someone might still be interested in trying it out, perhaps as a free download?

It's a stealth-strategy game in which you'll be able to control up to 4 agents simultaneously to pursue the goal that's been set for every level. It's hard, it's harder than most of the games that I can recall right now. Moreover, instead of looking at the scenario in a third person perspective, you'll have the chance to display everyone's sight through a few monitors sitting at the headquarters. In Signal Ops in fact, you're letting the others work for you, it's better to make recruits risk their life.

The crucial part of the game is the radio needed to communicate, it has a battery that lasts for only 30 seconds and if you won't find regularly power sockets to recharge it while executing the mission, you might end up by losing the guys on the other side. Which is basically how I lost every single time in my very first run. But once you get the hang of it, Signal Ops gets better, significantly, and here's why you should try the free download of it!

It's been a while since we managed to upload a game worth more than 1 GB, but we had to do it. Give it a go by downloading it below.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Free Download: PixelJunk Shooter

Oh, I guess it was time to give you a nice casual game, not everyone of us can be a hardcore gamer. PixelJunk Shooter, released less than a week ago on Steam is exactly what we were looking for, a perfect adventure to relax while keeping still high the brain-work requirement, and as always it's a free download!

In PixelJunk Shooter you're going to be driving a tiny spaceship through numerous levels where if it wasn't for your dimensions, you'd be crashing into one of those tight tunnels you'll have to explore. The goal here is simple, the mothership has received an SOS from a planet, and you'll have to rescue as many people scattered in the underground as you can. The 2D almost sketchy graphic is a pleasure to be seen, and even sound-wise, the game didn't really left me disappointed.

I was skeptic, like I believe many others are. That's why I suggest you to get our free download before thinking about buying the game. You'll be invested by a wave of cuteness that will make you fall in love with it.

Get it down here or regret it forever! No, seriously, PixelJunk Shooter is a great arcade-ish adventure at which you'll be hooked for a good amount of time if you only decide to hit the start button!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Free Download: Risk of Rain

We're genuinely pumped to present you the free download of Risk of Rain! Faster than anyone else and as easy as 1, 2, 3. I remember when back in the days I used to play what was just the prototype of this game for countless hours, and now that it's been finally released on Steam in all its greatness, well, God only knows how many time will I spend with it.

It's a sidescrolling action roguelike with a wonderful pixel art, as well as a groovy soundtrack that I couldn't do anything other than loving it. Moreover, there are now various classes to mess with, and I definitely spent the first day simply learning how to play with just a few of them. In fact, Risk of Rain isn't exactly an easy game, and I'm still wondering whether I like the huntress or the engineer more than any other.

The statistics of the character progression is fast paced, which will result in a level up every once in a while, but the strength of a good build is all about acquiring the right items at the right point in time. The monsters will keep on spawning till you reach the specific goal that every level requires, but despite having all the time you could possibly ask for, the more you stick with a level, the more creatures you'll have to face.

Get your lightweight free download below here, it's just 55MBs, and let us know what do you think about it!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Free Download: Democracy 3

We've changed our mind, after having spent some time in Democracy 3 we decided that it had to be our next free download, despite it looking pretty hard to get into, because once you get the hang of things the fun is infinite!

And even though you might not be the person who likes having to deal constantly with statistics, flowcharts and overly complex interfaces, after the first match everything will look so simple that you'll dive into the next one without hesitation, that's guaranteed! In fact, Democracy 3 can be described as the most advanced strategical game who treats real problems of real countries. After all, haven't you always wanted to be the prime minister of your country?

Taking decisions is quite hard, because the entire population is divided into faction, and whether a few might like the fact that you've increased the taxes (I wonder who, really) the poor and mid-earners will start a revolution. Crime level needs to be kept under control, and what's better than increasing the number of armed policemen? Perhaps something should, but in either case, this way does work just fine!

But I can understand that reading about such a complex game can be disorientating, so, just scroll down till our free download. It's less than 150MB, you should have it in less than 5 minutes!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Free Download - Avadon 2: The Corruption

Readers, downloaders and occasional viewers. Today we're very pleased to announce that we are finally be able to release the newly released king of all role-playing games, Avadon 2 The Corruption. Developed by Spiderweb Software, and published by themselves, it's a sequel to their best seller, needless to say that it is well worth a try considering that its free download will be below here.

If you're into such games, it'll probably need no explanations. It's a straightforward RPG turn-based that offers 5 playable classes set in an enormous world for you to explore. Because aside the main quest-line, it's been put a lot of effort into the playability side, by including side quests, dungeons and more mysterious areas to mess with.

In Avadon 2 The Corruption you'll have to deal with a lot of decision-making situations, and based on your choices, you'll get a different ending. Unfortunately, just because it needs to be said, the game isn't however showing a top notch graphic, but I, and hopefully all of you, have nothing really against playing an RPG run on the same engine that made Spiderweb Software famous among the lovers of the genre.

So yeah, why would you keep reading when you can simply reach the free download here? Don't waste your time, get the game right now!