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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Free Download: Risk of Rain

We're genuinely pumped to present you the free download of Risk of Rain! Faster than anyone else and as easy as 1, 2, 3. I remember when back in the days I used to play what was just the prototype of this game for countless hours, and now that it's been finally released on Steam in all its greatness, well, God only knows how many time will I spend with it.

It's a sidescrolling action roguelike with a wonderful pixel art, as well as a groovy soundtrack that I couldn't do anything other than loving it. Moreover, there are now various classes to mess with, and I definitely spent the first day simply learning how to play with just a few of them. In fact, Risk of Rain isn't exactly an easy game, and I'm still wondering whether I like the huntress or the engineer more than any other.

The statistics of the character progression is fast paced, which will result in a level up every once in a while, but the strength of a good build is all about acquiring the right items at the right point in time. The monsters will keep on spawning till you reach the specific goal that every level requires, but despite having all the time you could possibly ask for, the more you stick with a level, the more creatures you'll have to face.

Get your lightweight free download below here, it's just 55MBs, and let us know what do you think about it!

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