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Monday, June 3, 2013

Free Download: Skyward Collapse

Balance in all things. Skyward Collapse, today's free download, might just look like another standard god game, but it's depth goes far from what you'd expect. You are cast in the role of a powerful deity charged with shepherding human civilization along the path of growth and prosperity, and this is quite obvious. Your abilities feature building multiple structures, mainly for resource gathering in order to hop in the military path, but here's the twist: in Skyward Collapse you will be heading two factions (Greeks and Norses) for the sake of keeping them alive and prosperous for a certain number of turns.

Easiest shit right? Unluckily, in this free download, you're unable to directly control the actions of either side, instead you're asked to manipulate them indirectly: military unit production, as well as stategic priorities, remain beyond player control. You can instead summon mythical units (which you cannot control either) to even out the outcome of unbalanced conflicts, place special buff giving land tiles or upgrade certain units. And you're gonna need that, also because, after a certain amount of time, npcs (bandits) will start spawning, as well as some unforseen random events, called woes, causing a constant threat and can completely change the shape and scope of a game.

Today's free download, brings a fresh approach to the genre, giving the humans free-will and then forcing them kill each other because.. They don't know. Catastrophies and bandits will screw things up even further, and when you lose, the game just doesn't tell you why. Maybe that's the punishment for having us let you download it for free. Well fuck you too, Skyward Collapse.

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