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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Free Download: Organ Trail: Director's Cut

Hey, another zombie game, how original. Well, you'll be happy to know, this time's different. Organ Trail: Director's Cut, while it draws heavy inspiration from an old Apple game called Oregon Trail, is and educated and amazingly deep survival game which kicks in more than just shooting zombies. Today's free download is hardcore. You'll fear zombies. But, you'll fear diseases and lack of supplies much, much more.

In Organ Trail: Director's Cut, you're a zombie survivor (for now) on the road with four friends headed to the west because you know, the usual undead free city to reach blah blah. Remember the thing i said about supplies? Well there are nine categories of them, fuel, medkits, ammo, tires, batteries, mufflers, scrap, food and money. And since they all run out, you'll find yourself having to replenish your stacks, scavenging, for example, which brings you inside of a series of mini-games that adds up to the variety of the title. Or you can pick up a job to be rewarded after (or not, if you fail). 

Managing the trip of this free downloadable title isn't particularly difficult. You will occasionally have to repair the car, or rest, or get rid of bikers attacking your supplies, instead your friends are harder to control: they consume rations and have their own health and stats for you to look after: also, they can be bit by a zombie and turn into one and turn against you. You can shoot them down tho. 

Organ Trail: Director's Cut shows up more exciting that expected. Not that i expected a lot out of a 16-bit graphics title, but I found myself having a lot of fun discovering some deep aspects that are long gone in the gaming industry. On wemadethemfree, moreover, it comes for free, so you have no excuses for not grabbing a copy.

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