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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Free Download: Organ Trail: Director's Cut

Hey, another zombie game, how original. Well, you'll be happy to know, this time's different. Organ Trail: Director's Cut, while it draws heavy inspiration from an old Apple game called Oregon Trail, is and educated and amazingly deep survival game which kicks in more than just shooting zombies. Today's free download is hardcore. You'll fear zombies. But, you'll fear diseases and lack of supplies much, much more.

In Organ Trail: Director's Cut, you're a zombie survivor (for now) on the road with four friends headed to the west because you know, the usual undead free city to reach blah blah. Remember the thing i said about supplies? Well there are nine categories of them, fuel, medkits, ammo, tires, batteries, mufflers, scrap, food and money. And since they all run out, you'll find yourself having to replenish your stacks, scavenging, for example, which brings you inside of a series of mini-games that adds up to the variety of the title. Or you can pick up a job to be rewarded after (or not, if you fail). 

Managing the trip of this free downloadable title isn't particularly difficult. You will occasionally have to repair the car, or rest, or get rid of bikers attacking your supplies, instead your friends are harder to control: they consume rations and have their own health and stats for you to look after: also, they can be bit by a zombie and turn into one and turn against you. You can shoot them down tho. 

Organ Trail: Director's Cut shows up more exciting that expected. Not that i expected a lot out of a 16-bit graphics title, but I found myself having a lot of fun discovering some deep aspects that are long gone in the gaming industry. On wemadethemfree, moreover, it comes for free, so you have no excuses for not grabbing a copy.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Free Download: Knights Of Pen And Paper +1

We went missing for a while, but here we are, back with another amazing free download! Knights Of Pen And Paper +1, the pc version of the best selling Knights Of Pen And Paper for Apple and Android mobile devices. And let me be sincere, this game is the definition of awesome.

You're going to be simulating an adventurous rpg session: you start with the Dungeon Master sitting at his table waiting for the other players. Instead of choosing a race and a class, you will have to pick a person and his class: you're not going to have a half-elf warlock, but most probably a pizza man barbarian, or a metal guy shaman. Each person has a passive attribute that works no matter what class you choose and makes them more, or less, fir for certain purposes. After you settled your party, you're ready to start the journey and be the knights of pen and paper, slashing monsters and casting spells while looting fancy new pieces of equipment and recruiting new sidekicks. Did i mention that you can play up to more than 12 classes but only 6 are available from the start?

What makes this free download really stand out is the fact that it's soaked into a pool of pop culture references. You'll be facing the pirates of the carribbeans, turtles dressed as ninjas, resting in the "defaul town" and travelling among the meta-rpg elements that made me constantly think "these guys are genius". For the rest, this game kicks on nostalgia pretty hard: it’s all about pixels and midi music, but it manages to look great thanks to the amount of details and the cell-shading sketches.

The only aspect i feel i could complain about is the fact that with this potential, things could have gone much further. The gameplay is entertaining and all but it lacks of hardcore sides or strategical depht, and the interaction with the players stereotypes is limited to a couple of lines as you pick them or as you level up. This is an A class game that had the potential to be a triple A.

To sum up, Knights Of Pen And Paper +1 is an RPG in which the characters are playing an RPG, it comes for free on our free download project, you can let your grandma be the tank. Anything else?

Monday, June 17, 2013

Free Download: Paranautical Activity

The game we put in free download for you today is called Paranautical Activity. A strange name indeed, that brings up a pixelated roguelike first person shooter game that nobody is already familiar with! The game itself is a hybrid of Doom, featuring a fast paced shooting action, Minecraft, with a pixelated art and random generated environments, and Binding of Isaac with its items collection and floors generation. 

On the other hand Paranautical Activity still has its own personality, pumped up by the singular art style which, as simple as it is, can still stand out among the competitors: pixelated textures and blocky models are mixed togheter with a semi-dynamic lighting system in plenty of overall dark scenarios, where enemies, projectiles, barrels, explosions are eye candies along your wanderings.

This free download might be a bit short on content in terms of enemies and weapons, or better, a little repetitive, but that doesn't stop it from still being loads of fun and having amazing replayability: in fact, being a random generated roguelike, sometimes you'll barely survive room-to-room, with no money, no armor, no health and a crappy weapon, but other times you blast all the way through to the end with full life, loads of armor, an awesome weapon, and over 3K$ in cash just to die at the very next boss battle. 

One of the strong points with Paranutical Activity also is its low price on Desura or Steam but guess what? We'll let you have it for free! Scroll down, the free download is right below. Have fun :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Free Download: The Swapper

Are you the real you? The free download we offer you today is a peculiar platform puzzle game that kicks in some interesting existential questions.

Puzzles are based around a simple mechanism: you're an astronaut who's given a gun that allows himself to make up to four clones of herself. When you move, clones move along. When you jump, they jump. Is it all here? Of course not, as the game's name suggests, The Swapper, after a certain moment in the game you'll be able to transfer your consciousness into it, with all the questions that this implies. 

The free download will allow your to face increasingly difficult puzzles, from the simple task to place your clones on certain pressure plates in order to open a door, through placing items and blocks entering fields that give you more abilities, to reverse gravity puzzles. And, you know, the swapper thing. Most puzzles are brilliantly designed so that the clever trick you have to learn in order to solve one will become part of the needed skill set for later puzzles. 

The Swapper's beautiful visuals, haunting music, and sparse sound design allow it to maintain a wonderfully dark, gothic atmosphere throughout that enhances the introspective questioning this games brings in. Overall, it's totally worth a try, even more since it's on free download.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Free Download: Skyward Collapse

Balance in all things. Skyward Collapse, today's free download, might just look like another standard god game, but it's depth goes far from what you'd expect. You are cast in the role of a powerful deity charged with shepherding human civilization along the path of growth and prosperity, and this is quite obvious. Your abilities feature building multiple structures, mainly for resource gathering in order to hop in the military path, but here's the twist: in Skyward Collapse you will be heading two factions (Greeks and Norses) for the sake of keeping them alive and prosperous for a certain number of turns.

Easiest shit right? Unluckily, in this free download, you're unable to directly control the actions of either side, instead you're asked to manipulate them indirectly: military unit production, as well as stategic priorities, remain beyond player control. You can instead summon mythical units (which you cannot control either) to even out the outcome of unbalanced conflicts, place special buff giving land tiles or upgrade certain units. And you're gonna need that, also because, after a certain amount of time, npcs (bandits) will start spawning, as well as some unforseen random events, called woes, causing a constant threat and can completely change the shape and scope of a game.

Today's free download, brings a fresh approach to the genre, giving the humans free-will and then forcing them kill each other because.. They don't know. Catastrophies and bandits will screw things up even further, and when you lose, the game just doesn't tell you why. Maybe that's the punishment for having us let you download it for free. Well fuck you too, Skyward Collapse.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Free Download: Dust: An Elysian Tail

Furry warriors smashing monsters? Today's free download is a piece of art, nothing more, nothing less. Dust: An Elysian Tail is a platforming and adventure game of those you feel like you've been there before, but in a mesmerizing way. You're Dust, an an amnesiac warrior awakened in the forest by a speaking blade and a.. flying.. cat thing. Why are you there? What happened? Well you won't even have the time to ask you these question that you'll be thrown into battle, smashing keys and chaining combos for the sake of what is free to download.

Dust: An Elysian Tail comes with a huge reliance on this combo model: every hit fills a combo meter and add up toward the unlocking of stronger moves that you can mix in conjunction with Fidget's (the flying cat thing) magical projectiles to make them rain onto your foes, bringing on an overall fluidity of combat that will make you feel like you're the ultimate warrior. It's a simple system that manages to build upon itself without becoming overbearing, which is so rare for a indie production that you should be so ashamed that you can grab it as a free download from our links. 

Mix this astonishing gameplay with a well-polished cartoony graphic, an orchestral soundtrack and savvy voiceovers, epic boss battles and a unic built-in craft system to enhance the single player experience, rpg elements to improve gameplay depth, an amazing story which is not there to fill up the voids but to lead your path, figure out that it comes in free download and prepare for Dust: An Elysian Tail to blow your mind.